- Afghan Stuff
- Gifts and collectibles including calendars,figurines,watches, apparel,
stationery, signs and much more.
Language: English
Akita Inu
- Akita Inu Yagino Yashikikarano
- Akia Inu Kennel Yagino Yashikikarano in Austria:
Learn everything about our dogs and puppies!.
Language: German/English
American Pit Bull Terrier
- Vegas Kennels American Pit Bull Terriers
- Breeding, showing and educating on GENTLE, line bred, red red nosed APBTs. Show and pet quality, puppies occasionally, rescue pups for adoption. Intense screening done.
Language: English
- Timber Ridge Terriers Kennel
- Kennel for UKC registered American Pit Bull terriers
Language: English
American Staffordshire Terriers
- Staffords Down Under
- Staffords Down Under is a site for Stafford enthusiast to search for
breeders,clubs, litter announcements ect.
Language: English
- We breed amstaffs dogs with a great will to please.
Language: English
Australian Cattledog
- The First Dutch Australian Cattledog page!
- Australian Cattledog, Breed description, Pictures, Showresults, Breeders, Agility, Obedience
Language: Dutch, English
- Australian Cattle Dogs-The Wild Bunch
- Description of 3 Australian Cattle Dogs living in the Netherlands. Competing
in agility and herding.
Lots of pictures of working Cattle Dogs
Language: English
- Australian Cattle Dogs in Herding and Agility
- Australian Cattle, Herding,Agility and Conformation.
Photo gallery of ACDs all over the world.
Lots of pictures of working Cattle Dogs
Language: English
- The Australian Cattle Dog
- Australian Cattle Dog breeders,links,jokes,pictures,breed
standard,characteristics and History and lots lots more!
Lots of pictures of working Cattle Dogs
Language: English
- Windwarrior´s Australian Cattle Dogs
- show results, puppies, photos, studs
Lots of pictures of working Cattle Dogs
Language: English
- ACD-Service
- Finnish ACD breeder's list, litters, studs, shows & showresults, mental test results.
Interesting articles about the ACD.
Language: English
- Ayers Australian Cattledog
- This site contains photos, results, links and more fun stuff about the ACD.
Language: English
Australian Kelpie
- Australian Cattle Dog Club
- Breed description of the Australian Kelpie. Pictures of this uncommon breed.
Language: English
Australian Silky Terrier
- Bombix Moren Australian Silky Terriers
- We start with silkies 1989.Our first silky female was Fin CH Titakin Beggy.1998
we get Lauri Vuolasvirta award.
Wellcome to see our silkies today.
Language: English
- Boofy Does Manhattan
- Take a tour of Manhattan, NY with Boofy the beagle. Send a Boofy postcard.
Language: French
- Passion Beauceron
- Beauceron: The French herding dog, guardian dog and family dog
Language: French
Belgian shepherd, Tervueren
- Martijn and Suzanne's Belgian shepherd homepage
- On this page you will meet our three tervueren shepherds and the dogsports
they love to do.
Language: English and Dutch
Bernese Mountain Dog
- Jamie's Homepage
- A Berner Sennen or Bernese Mountain Dog Homepage. A memorial site for Jamie
Language: English
Bordeaux Dog / Dogue de Bordeaux
- Le Bordeaux Rouge
- Story about our three dogs with pictures,puppy-pictures, lot of links, awards, dog jokes, dog recipes and a lot more
Language: English
Border Collie
- Border Collies Sinna and Spooky
- BC's Sinna and Spooky, their many hobbies, friends and relatives
Language: English
- one day in the life of two boxers
- boxer breed info - puppies - one day in the life of two boxers - cartoons - media
Language: English-Dutch-French-German-Spanish
- Winland Boxers
- Champions producing champions in the show ring and in the home.
Language: English-Dutch-French-German-Spanish
Cairn Terrier
- Nederlandse Cairn Terrier Club
- This is the official homepage of the Dutch Cairn Terrier Club
Language: Dutch
- Watch out, Cairns about !!!
- Here you'll find the Dutch Cairn Terrier Files, Links to other (Dog-related) sites, and a guestbook.
Language: english
- Rose Croft Cairn Terriers
- This site is dedicated to the health & welfare of the Cairn Terrier and thier
Lots of usuful information!
Language: english
- RELM Cairn Terriers
- Cairn Terriers, pups for sale, rescue, training, pedigree, picture gallery, health, boarding, humor, vets, recommendations, older dogs, grooming, breeding for health, health guarantee.
Lots of usuful information!
Language: english
- Cairn Terriers of Blair Hill
- Cairn Terrier breeder offers help choosing, training and caring for a Cairn, plus unique gifts and collectibes too.
Lots of usuful information!
Language: english
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Roxians Royal Spaniels
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, information, lots of pictures, links. The
Royal Room Chat and Royal Relatives. Please sign the Royal Guestbook!
Language: English
Cesky Terrier
- Cesky Terrier kennel "Van Bodasca"
- All about the Cesky Terrier : their history, breedinfo, lots of photos,
pedigrees and much more
Language: English, Nederlands
Chinese Crested
- Chinese Crested Dogs
- Chinese Crested Dogs
Language: English, Nederlands
- Dachshundkennel Decibels
- A site with lots of information about Dachshunds. In English and Dutch.
Language: English, Nederlands
English Mastiff
- Canisolida Mastiff Rescue
- MCOA Rescue Volunteer.
English Mastiffs needing to be adopted.
Foster care provider for rescue mastiffs.
Language: English
Ibizan Hounds
- Akhanubis & Sylphlyke Sighhounds
- Beautiful Ibizan Hounds, bred for tempermant and type, the oldest bloodlines in the world
Language: English
Icelandic Sheepdog
- Ans Beer-Schell and her Icelandic Sheepdogs
- Breed information, photographs and a nice story
Language: English, German and Dutch
Jack Russell Terrier
- The English Jack Russell Terrier Club of America, Inc.
- The Official Club for the Shorty Jack Russell Terrier.
Language: English
- Betty's World of Jack Russell Terriers
- This site contains lots of information on JRT's! Here you will find many useful links, photo's, galleries, and it's always being up-dated!
Language: English
- Betty's World of Jack Russell Terriers
- This site contains lots of information on JRT's! Here you will find many useful links, photo's, galleries, and it's always being up-dated!
Language: English
- Castlemist Mastiffs
- The Mastiff site with links for the intelligent researcher.
Come in, sit down and we'll chat Mastiffs!
Language: English
- Bo Tree Mastiffs
- Photos of our Mastiffs and the puppies new families, Mastiff related info and other canine related links.
Language: english
- Jai Bee Mastiffs
- Welcome to Jai Bee Mastiffs.
Come in for a visit with our beautiful Mastiffs.
Language: english
- Newetta's Newfoundlands
- Danish breeder of Newfoundlands
Language: English & Danish
- Majestic Joy Papillons
- Papillons
Language: English
Pyrenean Shepherd
- Pyrenean Shepherd Club - The Netherlands
- The Pyrenean shepherd is a small sized, attractive, active and intelligent dog.
Our site gives lots of breed-related information, pictures and links.
Language: English & Dutch
- Red Embers Great Pyrenees World Lines
- Lot's of information and all about 'what's a Great Pyrenees".
Language: English & Dutch
- Gara's Rottweiler Pages
- This site provides Rottweiler information, dog ownership information, dog show information, pet health and legislation, rescue information and great links to other dog related sites
Language: English
- Von Himmel Rottweilers
- Info about us, our breed, our dogs, & links to many informative sites.
Language: english
- Von Der Ehrenwache Kennels
- Rottweiler Information Site - Info on German Bloodline Rottweilers, Breeding,
Training, Our Dogs, Links, etc.
Language: english
Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Umkimzulu Rhodesian Ridgebacks
- We live in Perth western Australia. Come and visit our dogs, many photo's of them puppy pages, we also show our dogs. Breed info ect
Language: English
Shetland Sheepdog
- Coat color genes in Shelties
- Genetics of coat color in Shetland Sheepdogs, with an interactive Sheltie crosser.
Language: English
Shiba Inu
- Grey Wolff & Enigma Kennels
- All about Shibas that are healthy, happy & beautiful, plus many great Shiba-related links.
Language: English
- Akhanubis & Sylphlyke Sighhounds
- Sloughi, an ancient Arabian Sighthound.
Language: English
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier-The Wild Bunch
- Description of Donna our SBT who competes in agility top class for several
years now.
Language: English
- Whatastaff Staffords
- Whatastaff Staffordshire Bull Terriers from New South Wales in Australia
Language: English
- Staffbach Staffordshire Bull Terriers
- Home of Staffbach Staffords, NSW Australia
Language: English
Tervuren Shepherd
- Martijn and Suzanne's homepage
- In this page you can see our three tervueren shepherds.
We also compeet in dogsports like Agility, Flyball and Obedience.
Lots of Agility pictures from our dogs.
Language: English
- Martijn and Suzanne's Belgian shepherd homepage
- On this page you will meet our three tervueren shepherds and the dogsports
they love to do.
Language: English and Dutch
- The New Zealand Vizsla Newzsletter
- Information and photos on the Hungarian Vizsla as well as
web copies of the New Zealand Vizsla Newsletter.
Language: English
White Shepherd Dog
- The American Canadian White Shepherd Dog
- Guapa, will tell you about herself, her breed and the history of her breed.
And also many LINKS to other interesting places!
Language: Dutch & English
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