Impulse Responses
Made by Fokke van Saane
last update: september 2nd 2004
Convolution reverb.
A short desciption to those not familiar with this little piece of software.
More in detail is to be found at the websites of Audioease, the developers
of the Altiverb.
and Trillium Lane, the developers
of TL Space.
A convolution reverb is a plugin for sound editors like Digital Performer,
ProTools, Logic and Cubase VST. It is a room simulator and it works
with samples from real acoustic spaces. These spaces are 'captured'
using a special sweep tone played by a speaker and recorded by microphones
in the actual space, or by firing an alarm pistol and recording that
with microphones. A convolution reverb adds the same sound to any sound
that it is used on as what the room did to the gunshot or sweep. This
sample is called an impulse response, in short: IR.
And now the fun begins.
Making my own IR's.
Since i bought Altiverb i started making my own impulse responses. I
always dreamed of having the echo of a forest in my studio. Now its
here. And the echo of a small street. Now its here. On this page you
will find some IR's i made until now. They are here for free, but if
you make a cd with it you owe me a copy!
I often get mail of PC users of a similar program like SIR requesting
for wav files. I converted some IR files to 24 bit interleaved .wav.
But please don't send me mails if i would like to convert the rest of
the ir's or how to convert them to use for pc. Its a lot of boring work,
and personally i have no use for the files. Find a friend with a mac
to do that for you.
Speakers and Telephones.
I am a fan of using all kinds of small speakers and using them in a
space to alter sounds with that. I am a sound editor for film and television
and i regulary have to make sounds like answering devices, sound of
a television in the background, a telephone conversation etc. And i
often play back a ticking clock by a speaker in my living room in order
to make the clock sound like a part of a living room atmosphere instead
of a time bomb ready to explode. So i made a set of recordings from
my favourite speakers and old tube radio's. As i am still a newbie of
making good IR's i have called them version 1.0. They are freely downloadable
here but if you make a cd with it you sure owe me a copy!
They are available in both mono to mono and the speaker IR's also in
mono to stereo. In the mono to stereo i also captured the small wooden
cupboard they where placed in. I used a two Shoeps CMC5MK5 omni's 40cm
spaced to achieve a superb realistic stereo image. Here it sound as
if the sound is not coming out of my speakers but from somewhere in
the room. Please tell me how it is for you. Please mail
me your comments.
Here are some pics of the speakers i sampled. Downloads

I made an IR selection of very small spaces. A dustbin, a bucket,
two glass flower pots, a glass pot of chocolate spread, coal hod,
washing machine, vacuum cleaner tube. All captured in stereo, sometimes
in A-B and sometimes using MS. Useful for altering voices or maybe
you'll find more applications for it. All items are now also available
as mono. Downloads
Factory hall
huge factory hall in Amsterdam. I captured it
with a starter gun to get the best SN ratio.
Huge tail.
Thanks to Odd Enjinears

I also captured a small pa horn in this hall using the sweep played back
by this pa horn.
The interior of a small van, a Mercedes. Captured with a Genny S30
faced backwards and using two Schoeps CMC5 MK5(omni's).
Thanks to Odd Enjinears.
Domestic (formerly known as Amsterdam
living room)
its tight spaces with wooden floors Amsterdam has cosy living rooms.
Here's mine. My bathroom IR is now also part of this collection. New
is the kitchen from a friend. Well, the IR is..Also new in this collection
is the Upstairs. My goal was a sound like as if someone is speaking
1 or 2 floors up. Made for film tv post sound. Also good for as if someone
is speaking next door. Downloads
Small Church Schellingwoude.
A small church just outside the city of Amsterdam. Stone floor, wooden
ceiling. Tight space with a warm echo. A short pre echo coming from
the ceiling. Warm low end because of the parallel walls. Great vocal
reverb. Captured in both mono to stereo and stereo to stereo using
the starter gun. Downloads
Lexicon PCM60.
I captured 32 combinations of this vintage reverb unit. Thanks
to Frank van der Weij for lending me his unit.Downloads

Bernhard captured some combinations of this vintage reverb unit. I processed
it for him.
Spring Reverb.
Jef Nassenstein digged up this nice
old spring reverb with tube amplifiers.
After capture i replaced the spring
for one i once took out of an old organ. These two mono IR's are combined
to make a stereo version Downloads
Space Echo RE-201.
inspiring tape echo has too many nice settings to capture, so you'd
better find a real one instead of this IR, but they make a good alternative.
The unit is mono, but i got good results by installing two mono versions
with differend IR's or a slightly differend pre delay to achieve a nice
stereo effect. In real life you need two of those for that! Downloads
Finally; a forest. I dreamt for it for years. Lage Vuursche in
The Netherlands. Its not perfect, but it does sound like a forest. My
goal was to make a dry recorded shouting voice as if it was recorded
far in a forest. Mute the direct for 'far' sound. Add echo if you like.
Typically a film/tv application. The result is highly dependand on what
you use it on. On an average level spoken dialogue its not very natural.
And i haven't tried it on drums yet...Please use this IR and let me
know how it worked out for you. I am really curious. Here is my email.
For this one i was a bit lazy. I don't want to disturb my neighbours
at night with gun shots or loud sweeps, and in daytime these neighbours
are disturbing me with too much traffic to record IR's. So i went
through my sound effects library and looked for fireworks. Fireworks
is usually fired in if i could find one that sounds
a bit like a starter gun i might have a street IR. And, well,
worked, for me. The downside is that there are no pictures in this
sound fx library. Downloads
An oldie goldie. A really expensive unit when it came out. Build with
a lot of old TTL ics, but already trendsetter for the following reverbs
of Lexicon. Soundwise, but also the blue color still exist. I captured
5 presets of plates chambers and halls, and 3 inverses, all mono to
stereo. Downloads
I made an impulse response of my mouth. You can't get more intimate
to me then this. I used a U89 and the starter gun. Downloads
Church Buiksloterkerk.
As i was on this location for a film shoot i couldn't resist doing
an IR of this medium size church. As time was short i used a 6mm flobert
starter gun, though high quality mikes; Sonodore omni's for stereo
front and Schoeps CMC5 MK5(onmi) for rear. This is a mono to stereo
or mono to quad IR. Great for strings.
Roland DEP3.
is my worst IR until now. It was the first reverb unit i bought when
i was still working with a 4 track cassette recorder. So in theory
it is a vintage. But it sounds like crap. Compared to all 'cheap'
digital reverbs nowadays. Why an IR? i don't know, maybe you'll need
it for a special purpose. I captured some IR's and aimed at cheap
sounding settings. Anyone wants to buy a DEP3? Downloads
Fostex 3180 spring reverb.
This unit is a very bright, splashy spring reverb. It contains two seperate
springs to achieve a sort of stereo effect, although a dual mono is
a better description because there is no correlation between the two
It was hard not to overload the springs during the capture. Even at
very low inputs i could hear square waves, so i had to lower the inputs
a lot. As a result the output of the unit became so low i had to use
a mic preamp with approx. 50 dB gain to get a decent level in my AD
converters. Of course a huge noise was the result. Beside the noise
the unit became very sensitive. If i clapped my hands i could hear the
springs going. So i used a 300 seconds sweep to get the best SN ratio.
The great thing about this IR related to the real unit
is that the noise is gone. I still hear a slight abrubt ending of the
tail, i think that is where the reverb falls into the noise. This is
the best i could do, with the knowledge i have now. In use, i think
this tail cutoff won't be a major problem. At least i hope so! Thanks
to Pluk for lending me his unit. Downloads
II spring reverb.
A friend of mine captured this reverb he owns. Nice gentle dual spring
reverb. Mono in stereo out. 5 brilliance settings. Thank you Lee Sheppard.
Factory Hall.
Frank van der Weij was recording a snare in this room and i couldn't
resist dropping by to make an IR there. At home i was enthousiastic
about the result on a snare, i used it several times since then. I
have no idea if its nice on electric guitar, but i suppose so. A pair
of spaced Sonodores where used to capture the sweep coming out of
a Genelec S30. I made two IR's; one close, one wide. The close is
my favourite. See for yourself.
Version history.
29 september 2002 Speakers and telephones version 1.0 initial release.
Without any comments from users posted on this website.
Speakers and telephones version 1.1, some changes made by Audioease;
phase en length.
Speakers and telephones version 1.2 Added a car radio system and a
small portable cd player close and wide.
14 december 2002; Claustrofobia IR set added.
17 december added the facory hall, the Mercedes van and Amsterdam
living room.
12 january 2003 Added the Small Schellingwoude Church.
16 january 2003 Added an iron bath and a small tin can to Claustrofobia,
and i also made all items also available as mono.
21 january 2003 Updated Amsterdam Living Room; added another living
room. version 1.1 now.
27 january 2003 Added Lexicon PCM60.
27 january 2003 Added EMT 244.
18 february 2003 Converted most IR's to wav files as requested by
some PC users.
7 march 2003 Added my bathroom.
18 april 2003 Added the Vintage Spring Reverb.
21 april 2003 Added Roland RE-201 Space Echo.
9 may 2003 Added a forest.
9 may 2003 Renamed the Amsterdam Living room to Domestic. Moved the
bathroom IR in it, added a kitchen and a stairway.
11 may 2003 Added Streets.
13 may 2003 Added Mouth IR.
15 may 2003 Added Lexicon 200.
8 june 2003 Added Buiksloterkerk church.
10 june 2003 Added Roland DEP3.
10 august 2003 Deleted the Protools template session, and added aif
sweeps for IR captures.
11 november 2003 Added Fostex 3180 spring reverb.
6 december 2003 Added Masterroom II spring reverb.
6 january 2004 Edited the folder structure of the EMT244, Lexicon
PCM60, Forest, and streets. Now every IR has its own folder.
14 january 2004 Added Small Factory Hall.
2 september 2004 Updated some text and links.
Note: these IR's are freeware.
But i love to hear your comments whether positive or negative. Mail
me here
I distribute
them as freeware because i hope it will stimulate you to make IR's for
public use too.
I often get mail of PC users of a similar program like SIR requesting
for wav files.
I converted
some IR files to 24 bit interleaved .wav.
But please don't send me mails if i would like to convert the rest of
the ir's
or if i would like to convert the Altiverb IR's.
Its a lot of boring work, and personally i have no use for the files.
Find a friend with a mac to do that for you.
and telephones version 1.2 (size: 3.04MB .sit archive)
This set contains mono to mono and mono to stereo IR's of two old tube
radio's, 4 kinds of differend speakers, 2 telephone horns and a walkman
headphone. Version 1.2 adds a car radio system and a small portable
cd player. Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop
it in your impulse responses folder.
I got requested by pc users for my impulse responses in wav format.
Altiverb or TL space users should download the other file wich are sdII
Speakers and telephones
version 1.2 wav files
v 1.1 (size: 5.1 MB .sit archive)
This set contains mono to stereo IR's of very small spaces like flower
pots and dustbins etc. Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander
and drop it in your impulse responses folder.
I got requested by pc users for my impulse responses in wav format.
Altiverb or TL space users should download the other file wich are sdII
Claustrofobia v 1.1 wav files
(size: 5.14MB zip archive)
factory hall (size: 1.5 MB .sit archive)
Including the PA speaker. Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander
and drop it in your impulse responses folder.
I got requested by pc users for my impulse responses in wav format.
Altiverb and TL space users should download the other file wich are
sdII files.
The factory hall wav files (size:
1.74 MB zip archive)
van (size: 114KB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
church Schellingwoude (size: 1.3MB.sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
I got requested by pc users for my impulse responses in wav format.
Altiverb and TL space users should download the other file wich are
sdII files.
Small church Schellingwoude
wav files (size: 637KB zip archive)
PCM60 (size: 11MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
I got requested by pc users for my impulse responses in wav format.
Altiverb and TL space users should download the other file wich are
sdII files.
EMT 244 (size: 4.2
MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
I got requested by pc users for my impulse responses in wav format.
Altiverb and Tl space users should download the other file wich are
sdII files.
EMT 244 wav files
(size: 4.35MB zip archive)
Spring Reverb (size: 2.4MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
Space Echo RE-201 (size: 5MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
(size: 1.2 MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
(size: 1.5MB .sit archive)
Formerly known as Amsterdam living room, and Bathroom wich are now combined.
Now with also a kitchen and a stairway added. Please unstuff this archive
with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your impulse responses folder.
Streets (size:
1.8 MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
Mouth (size: 0KB.sit
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
200 (size: 10.8 MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
Buiksloterkerk (size: 1.6 MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
DEP3 (size: 5 MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
Fostex 3180
spring reverb (size: 1.4 MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
II spring reverb. (size: 4.5 MB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
Factory Hall (size: 935KB .sit archive)
Please unstuff this archive with Stuffit Expander and drop it in your
impulse responses folder.
Links to other IR site's. (Not many yet...)
Bad news; the site from David Das,, is down.
A site from a friend in Germany
Click on Berthi to get what he has captured.
Noisevault a site with impulses
for PC. They are in .wav format, convertable to sdII for Altiverb or
TL space.
Other realted sites.
Audioease. The makers of Altiverb.
Trillium Lane. The makers of TL
The Yahoo discussionboard
of Altiverb members.You need to sign in to be able to read and post.
My email.address for comments.