Gull L. michahellis
different 2nd winter birds, the first two photographed near Wijster in the
19 February.
With its white head and underparts red orbital ring, pale eye and yellow
bill this bird could also be qualified as a 2nd summer. The upperparts are
quite dark and the upper tertials are adult grey, with the others being almost
black with a broad pale fringe. The tailband is still
solid black. Typical features of YLG like, the firm stubby bill and the long
wings are also visible here. The legs are a bit orange.
26 February
same bird one week later and with less sunshine, making it a bit darker.
The same bird on 26 February. In
the left picture the overall darkbrown upperwing with the restricted wingpanel
can be seen whilst in the right picture the dark underwingcoverts
are clearly visible, all being typical of YLG up to this age.
A totally
different bird photographed on February 12th 2000. This bird is somewhat
small with more spotted head and flanks and a dark iris and bill. It however
still shows the typical long legs and wings and the head- and billshape of YLG.
The same bird as the one above. Here
the typical stubby bill, dark primaries with a restricted wingpanel
and the white uppertail with the contrasting dark tailband can be seen
This 2nd winter was photographed by Rik
Winters at Le Portel, France in
October 1999. Note again the long legs and wings, the almost black tertials
with the white band and the firm stubby bill.
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